My Love Awaits Me By the Sea

My Love Awaits Me By the Sea (2013)

Released: 2013-09-07 Duration: 1hr 20min
Rating 6.3


Hasan Hourani, a Palestinian poet and illustrator, died aged 29 in Jaffa while trying to rescue his nephew from the sea. Shortly after, the filmmaker Mais Darwazah discovers his drawings and poems and feels drawn to Hourani's world— a universe outside space and time; a place of wonder, discovery, and freedom. Motivated by this kinship, Darwazah embarks on a journey to her homeland, Palestine: a place she has never known.

Production Companies

Imaginarium Films
Mengamuk Films

Additional Info

Budget $0.00
Revenue $0.00
Original Language ar
Popularity 0.693

Directed By

Mais Darwazah


Mais Darwazah
Michel Balagué
Line Producer
Najwa Mubarki
Rula Nasser
Arlette Girardot
Joude Gorani
Sound Editor
Jochen Jezussek
Boom Operator
Issa J. Qumsyah
Production Assistant
Muhannad Halawani

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